Crop Name
Pest Name
Stem Gatlar
Pest Local Name
Pest Introductory System
Beetle is one of the adult insect. Both adult insects and larva harmful to plants. Ardhanalakara gardalarera stem maggot and yellow colors. The head is slightly longer, and the head of a small antenna asunder.
Female insect laying eggs on the bark of the stem, cut, cut away a small round circle and the circle is a circle. The female beetle lays eggs between two circles. Cut the circle slip past the tip of the bark of trees and eventually die as a result.
Major Symptom
Female insect laying eggs on the bark of the stem, cut, cut away a small round circle and the circle is a circle. The female beetle lays eggs between two circles. Cut the circle slip past the tip of the bark of trees and eventually die as a result.
Affected Stage of Crop :
Growing Stage
Affected Section of Crop :
Top Section
Pest Life Cycle :
Larva , Fedge -1 , Fedge -২ , Fedge -3 , All
Pest Attack Life Cycle :