Crop Name Mung bean
Variety Name Binamug-2
Popular name N/A
Originating Organization Bangladesh Institute Of Nuclear Agriculture(BINA)
Avegage Life Time(Day) 55-60
Height(inches) 12-15
Type Of Grain HYV
Variety of other features N/A
Plant age at the time of planting 2 - 3
Yield per Dec)(Kg) 3-4
Seed Rate Per bed per Dec 1 - 2
Implanted With Seedlings From The Nursery To The Amount Of Land Per Century 2
Per acre (100 Dec) land planting / sowing seed 3 - 4
Appropriate Soil Doash , Belle-Doash
Grain Type : Green
Production Season Khrif-1
Seed sowing time
January ( ) - February ( )
Cutting Time
May ( ) - June ()